
A skilled hypnotherapist can address a wide variety of issues. If you are new to hypnosis, the following are some typical questions.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a tool to access a person’s subconscious mind and create beneficial change. When you are in the trance state you have access to information that has been hidden from the conscious, reasoning mind. This state allows you to create the change you wish. The hypnotist is the facilitator in that process, serving as a guide in the subconscious. As the session unfolds and unravels, the subconscious takes you where it needs to go for healing.

Some people claim they cannot be hypnotized. As hypnosis is a state of agreement, one can only be hypnotized if they agree to it. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. We enter into the trance state several times a day. Everyone experiences those brainwave frequency changes on going to sleep at night (hypnogogic state) and on awakening in the morning (hypnopompic state). Have you ever watched a television program or a movie and have had an emotional reaction (happy, sad, joy, fear.... ) to the content? In that instance, you have responded to the external suggestions of the audio (what you heard) and the video (what you saw),  even though your conscious mind knew it was "just a movie." 

What is a hypnotherapist?

A hypnotherapist is a trained professional who utilizes the tool of hypnosis to facilitate beneficial change. Many of my clients have become stuck in their life and repeat the same patterns over and over. With hypnosis we are able to go into the feeling state of mind, and reframe the problem. In this state of consciousness a healing opportunity is created. The hypnotist is the guide through this process to assist you in creating the change you desire.


As you leave my office you will feel calmer and more in control.

Will I quack like a duck?

Some people worry I might make them do funny things, like quack like a duck or sing like an opera singer. I cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. That is why your agreement to hypnosis is so important. If quacking like a duck offends your natural tendencies or is contrary to your deep moral compass, you will not quack while in hypnosis. If your mother sends you to quit smoking, and you do not want to quit smoking, hypnosis cannot make you quit smoking. YOU have to want to make the change. 

What issues can I get help with?

Many hypnosis websites attempt to list everything which can be addressed with hypnosis. Or it may be that those are the scripts they have in their library. I rarely use scripts and when I do, I am individualizing those suggestions. Usually I create specific, individualized suggestions based on what the client has said, how the client says it, and what the client's goal is. In other words, the hypnosis is client centered.  


Common issues Helen has addressed with hypnotherapy include: physical health issues, pain, stress, phobias, procrastination, maladaptive behaviors, strained relationships, unhappiness, fear,  dissatisfaction as well as the more commonly known applications of weight control and smoking cessation. As Helen guides clients to change their emotional energies, they experience improved functionality, better relationships, greater life satisfaction and a healthier lifestyle.

More specific symptoms include anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, intrusive memories, high blood pressure, grief, job dissatisfaction, life dissatisfaction, bad relationships, bad habits, poor decision-making, and poor self-esteem.


The NGH says, "hypnosis helps every day people with every day problems."  The client either wants to be able to do something that they currently can't do, such as improve their golf game, pass an exam, public speaking.... Or to stop doing something they currently do, such picking at their nails, smoking, having panic attacks.....


What is it that you want to do that you currently cannot do? 


What is it that you want to stop doing that you currently do?


Does Hypnosis really work?

Yes, when you, consciously and subconsciously agree to the change.


When I (Helen) first opened my holistic psychiatry practice my daughter joined me as a hypnotherapist. Since I was busy prescribing medication, I referred clients to her for hypnosis. I sent a client to her who was suffering anxiety with the intent that the client could learn how to relax. The client returned to me claiming that the hypnosis had not helped much, so I put her on medication.


One day she showed up at my office in a full-blown panic attack. Being the good hypnotherapist, I met her where she was in that emotional state, talked her into a deep relaxation, and the panic subsided. As I returned her to normal awareness she exclaimed, “Oh, is that hypnosis?” I calmly responded, yes. “How come it did not work with Katie?” she asked.

I asked her, “When you were with Katie, did you keep saying to yourself that it would not work?”

Her eyes widened as she looked at me, “How did you know that? Both my friend and I were saying that in our minds.” I replied to her, “It was as you said and what you thought. Hypnosis is a matter of agreement. So, during the panic attack, as I talked to you, we were in agreement. You wanted to come out of the panic attack, so you did.”

Hypnosis requires trust between the client and the hypnotherapist. When the client trusts the hypnotherapist and is fully committed to change, it is amazing what can be accomplished with hypnosis.

Will hypnosis work for me?



Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. We go in and out of hypnosis all day long. When you sit quietly to watch TV, you enter a trance state similar to hypnosis. When you sit in a movie theater, listen as the music as it gets louder, then jump as a knife slashes across the screen; or laugh at a funny scene; or cry during a sad scene, you have experienced a similar altered state of consciousness.


Yes, you can be hypnotized. Yes, you can change IF you want to.  

How do I get started?

Schedule your first Hypnosis Appointment with Helen on the Appointments page


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